In everything we do, we have a certain motivation. Starting a new series, finally sitting down to write an assignment you need to complete, or just taking time for yourself to relax…
For most of us, maintaining our motivation in many aspects of life is an important problem. Sometimes, even for basic actions during the day. For example, to cook, work, or do homework we may not have the strength and desire to do all of them.
In the stress of our busy life, our work, school and family responsibilities can sometimes overwhelm us, and there are times when we lose our motivation even to do our daily chores.

Lack of Motivation at Work and School
In work life, it is important for a person to maintain a connection with his or her work and to continue the duties in a motivated way, both for their own mental health and for the integrity and goals of the institution they work for. If you are trying to maintain your work in an environment that you do not like and spend every day with the desire to complete your work as soon as possible and return home, it may become very difficult for you to maintain your energy and motivation. And loss of motivation may cause you to not be able to continue your work and decrease your efficiency.

Also, if you are a student, you may find it difficult to stay motivated and follow a certain study pattern, especially during exam times. Stress and other factors coming with school environment can reduce your motivation due to the pressure of upcoming homework and exam dates.
While addressing the issue of motivation, it is necessary to consider the changes caused by the pandemic process in work, school and family life. We can all observe the negative reflections of the changes and uncertanties we experience in this process on our goals and internal motivation, both in business and school life.
To many of us, it seems very difficult to bring out the desire in us and return to our productivity when we are overwhelmed, and this often causes us to look for different ways to increase our motivation. Remembering our goals and what we can do in such moments is important to increase our intrinsic motivation, and in fact one of the simplest ways to do this is meditation.

Maintaining Motivation with Meditation
There are many known benefits of meditating. You can take advantage of the scientifically proven effects of meditation to stay motivated as well.
The positive effects of meditation in business life have been proven by many studies, and important companies have started to integrate meditation practices into business life. For example, companies such as Google and Apple, include meditation in their support programs to maintain their employees’ motivation levels and support their well-being.
How Meditation Practices Increase Motivation?
Positive thinking
One of the biggest obstacles to maintaining motivation is negative thinking. The stress we experience, our habits and the general negative point of view caused by the difficulties in life can cause us to lose our motivation. At this point, the positive thinking meditation brings helps us to overcome our negative thought patterns that we adopt, so that helps us to maintain our motivation.
According to neurological-based studies, meditation affects the stress centers of our brain and helps reduce stress by calming our mind and body. It is known that meditation practices applied for 8 weeks significantly reduce stress. With the reduction of stress, the increased sense of control and calming mind allow us to maintain our motivation.

Focus and Concentration
If you have trouble focusing your mind on the results you want to achieve or the actions you aim to do, it’s perfectly normal to lose motivation. Meditation is one of the important tools you can use to stay focused. Focusing on your breath or an object during meditation practice helps you to maintain your focus and increase your concentration. The ability to focus and concentrate, which increases with these practices over time, helps you stay motivated while taking action on certain goals and results in life.

Mindful and Determined Goals
It is very important to know ourselves and to set goals accordingly to maintain our motivation. When we do not set realistic goals, our motivation may decrease, and setting goals that are smaller than what we can do for ourselves may cause loss of motivation. Realizing our own feelings and thoughts, observing our wishes and goals in life with awareness increases our motivation. With the open mind created by meditation, you can realize your priorities and goals and increase your inner motivation.
While preparing for exams, going to work, doing daily activities… To increase your inner motivation and remember your reasons and goals at moments when you are overwhelmed and lose your motivation, Innerjoy is always with you.
Refresh your motivation with different meditation practices at Innerjoy.