Emotional Loneliness and Isolation
Emotional loneliness is based on a person’s lack of a relationship. In this type of loneliness, the person needs someone to share their experiences in the flow of life but cannot feel the presence of someone to share their experiences with. Also, after a breakup or during a heartbreak, one can experience emotional summer. The person whose absence is felt may be a friend, a partner, a parent, or a sibling.
Emotional isolation can also underlie the feeling of emotional loneliness. Emotional isolation is defined as emotionally shutting oneself away from the people around and away from them. Emotional isolation is a kind of defense mechanism, and the person avoids getting emotionally close to people during this isolation. Traumas and disappointments can underlie emotional isolation. Also, this isolation can be experienced consciously or unconsciously.

How to Be Comfortable Alone
Every person needs other people socially and emotionally, but one of the person’s basic needs is to spend time alone. Therefore, the question of how to be comfortable alone can be very important. A person needs to know himself to develop his autonomy, self-confidence, and self-esteem. This happens when the person is alone with himself. Although being alone with yourself can be scary for some people, it can be good to be alone sometimes to find our motivation in life and analyze our thoughts better. You can fill these moments with a hobby, you can experience some activities alone to get to know yourself and listen.

Fear of Not Being able to Do Something Alone
Some people may be afraid of being alone or involved in an activity alone, and they may feel anxious when they are alone themselves. At this point, the fear of not being able to do anything alone comes into play. The person experiencing this fear feels insecure when left alone and thus feels a desperate need to end their loneliness as soon as possible. This fear may be caused by some traumatic experiences, feeling emotionally or physically abandoned by one’s parents in childhood, but at the same time, the person may have grown up with a person with this problem and therefore copied this behavior. A personality disorder may also underlie excessive anxiety about being alone.

Power of Loneliness
One’s discovery of loneliness can take many forms. This discovery sometimes happens at an early age, sometimes at a later age. The journey made during the discovery of solitude is often normal and healthy. If there is no emotional loneliness, the person can use the loneliness they have been in as an experience and transform this feeling. At this point, the person realizes the power of loneliness. Sometimes this discovery happens when the person gains autonomy, sometimes with separation from the family, sometimes with a therapy journey. The important thing is that while experiencing this discovery, the person focuses on his inner world and allows himself to know himself better. In this way, the person will discover the power of loneliness.
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